The Alliance hosts marketing events to highlight the region to site selection influencers. The Alliance also meets at partner locations, reaching across borders to achieve sustainable economic development that benefits the entire region. Whether its entrepreneurship, film, real estate, or talent development, regional collaboration positively influences each community’s economic development strategies. This initiative is designed to promote metro Atlanta as a top destination for business. The Alliance meets regularly to share best practices and enhance economic competitiveness on the global stage.
Upcoming Events:
July 27, 2023
Metro Atlanta Economic Development Mixer at Big Green Egg Culinary Center
november 29-30, 2023
ECONOMIX Metro Atlanta VIP Reception at the Battery Atlanta
Past Events:
March 8, 2020
Site Selectors Guild Metro Atlanta event at Porsche Experience Center
October 28-29, 2020
Metro Atlanta Virtual Summit with Consultant Connect
October 20, 2021
Metro Atlanta Economic Development Forum at Illuminarium Atlanta
August 25, 2022
Metro Atlanta Economic Development Reception at TKE North America